- Karl Pearson a British mathematician and Biostastician establishing the discipline of Statistics.
- Founder of world’s first University Statistics department in University College London in 1911.
- He was the protégé and biographer of Sir Francis Galton.
- He was also the proponent of Social Darwinism and Eugenics inspired and influenced by his mentor Sir Galton.
Our Logo Explanation

Inspired by the contributions of Karl Pearson and his words:
“When every fact, every present or past phenomenon of that universe, every phase of life therein has been examined, classified and coordinated with the rest, then the mission of science will be completed. What is this but saying that the task of science can never end till man ceases to be, till history is no longer made and development itself ceases?”
- The infinity in our logo signifies the never ending idea of the universe with Karl Pearson’s philosophy as our core, incorporating and representing the KPI.
- Kappa is related to the first order functions, connectivity in relation to the graph and to denote the decimal, entity as such.
- The utility of the kappa varies in accordance with its type of application.
- Rho for the iconic representation of the Pearson correlation coefficient for population, which tells about relationship between two variables and comprising values between -1 to +1. Tau is used to signify life also denoting the works of Karl Pearson in the fields of Biometrics and Eugenics explaining the contribution of Mathematics to the Theory of Evolution. Also these Kappa, Rho and Tau are used to symbolize the acronym of Karl Pearson Institute – KPI.